I have a dilemma...

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As I've been posting that the next few months I'm going to be busy....
I think this one issue is the one that's keeping me awake at night.
I have two grand daughters one in high school the other in elementary school the problem
is they are both graduating the same day at the same time....I love them both BUT who's graduation do I go too.
This sadden my heart...I'm only one person and I want to be there for both of them....I have no idea what to do!!!!!!
If any of you have any easy solution on how this can be solve please let me know.
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Ooh, Terrie, that is a sticky wicket!!! I would not be happy about that timing either. In the scheme of things High School graduation is a bigger deal than elementary school. Is there any way you can get their moms to schedule parties at different times so you can at least be at both parties? Can you go to one graduation and Vince go to the other one? I guess I would go to the high school graduation and try to do something special for the younger granddaughter at another time.
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I was thinking the same thing as Ellie....you go to one and Vince go to the other. If that is not a possibility, then I would have to say attend the high school one. That's a big one. Do their schools limit how many people can come? The high school my kids went to only allowed 4 tickets per student. Of course two of those tickets were used by me and hubby which only left two more tickets. Grandparents on both sides were deceased when my kids graduated so the remaining tickets went to an aunt and uncle. But had all the grandparents been alive, we would have been up a creek with two tickets and needing two more!

I can understand how you feel....I hope it all works out for you in a way that will make everyone happy.
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Not easy, Terrie, but I do agree with Ellie and Susan, High School is the bigger one, but it depends on tickets.
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We had this same dilemma last year when both grandkids had their "graduations" on same day. Their mom & I went to one and their dad went to the other (I think their mom made them draw straws to determine which one she went to!). They will know you don't love them any less regardless of which one you go to.
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Thank you ladies on my dilemma your ideas were great.....
This is not the first time we had where events have been on the same day and time Vince and I are separated he goes to one and I go to the other....
The kicker in this dilemma is it's going to happen again in 2 years cause Caulin will be graduating from HS and Savanah from 8th grade
Every 2 years someone will be graduating between the 4 older grand children....
I think Molly is the only one we won't have to separate and go as couple....lol
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We have been fortunate that our "graduations" haven't been on the same day, but did have the dilemma of not having enough tickets to attend high school graduation! The first 2 kids, we were able to get enough tickets for all 8 of us to attend but for Joseph's, we could only get 5...hubby and I and the 3 grandparents got to go but none of his sisters! Some high schools have been Livestreaming the ceremonies (that's how the girls got to watch Joseph graduate as well as the Aunts & Uncles).

I hope the 8th grade graduation is during the day (it is at Katrina's school) and graduation is in the evening so you can attend both!
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Nope Trudi they are both at 6:00 and about just as long for both....the 8th grader has a Mass first that is why it's just as long as the high school one....
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Terrie, what a difficult decision since I know that you love all of the kiddos that God has placed in your life. The nice thing is that they know you love them, too!
That said, I agree with a few of the others that said graduating from HS is a much bigger thing that from 8th grade. In truth, I really didn't even realize that 8th grade graduations are celebrated anymore! We've never been invited to one. Ever! (But have been invited to a few nephews Kindergarten graduations. Go figure!)
So, if I was in your place, and especially since you'll be going through this again in the future, I'd set the precedent of attending the HS graduation, but finding a special way to acknowledge the 8th grade graduates, too.

Maybe you and your sweet hubby could take the graduate out for a meal and make it an "event." (examples- make it a 'dress up event' where you go to a nicer restaurant, let them order anything they want from the menu, or present them with a special gift to remember the event- jewelry, a phone case, etc.) When I was a kid I remember that a friend's favorite aunt took her out to eat at a fancy place to recognize an event (might have even been 8th grade graduation... I can't remember that far back!!) She used the event to teach her niece basic dining etiquette in a fun and creative way. My friend was so excited to tell me how much they laughed because part of the "lesson" was done while talking in funny English accents, drinking tea from fine china (with their pinky finger raised), all while gently dabbing their mouths with the napkins! A few years ago I was the featured speaker at a mother-daughter event at our church, and remembered her story. I did some research on high tea etiquette and built my talk around it. I still remember the giggles that erupted as they practiced pouring tea... and learned the do's and don'ts of manners. (The really little ones loved when I told them one thing they must NEVER do if they needed to leave the table to... um... visit the bathroom was to announce to the table "I have to pee" or "I have to poop." Instead, they practiced politely saying, "Please excuse me." ) A few parents thanked me afterward, especially since I noted that talking with food in your mouth was a "no-no" (because it was just gross!) and using a cell phone or watching TV while sharing a special meal was also a "no-no" because it made the other person/people feel like they weren't important. They said that teaching manners was a tough task as a parent because so few people followed them anymore. Sadly, I had to agree. Those of us who are adults still need reminders from time to time, too.

A special time just with them would be something an 8th grader will remember more than if you were there to watch them "graduate". Just my suggestion.
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