Anybody Out There?

A place for idle chatter and discussions on non-paper crafting topics.
Where is everyone? There have been no posts for several days. Are we all just busy or losing interest in this forum?
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I still have interest... but haven't had time to work on the current challenges. Have mainly been finishing up cards that were part way done. Last night I finally worked on the galaxy card. Will post that as soon as I finish this comment.
That said, I am wondering how much longer this Forum will continue. Participation really has dropped off drastically.
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Ummm, I check here as frequently as I can. I would hate to lose the forum, as I have made a lot of friends here that I don't want to lose touch with.
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I'm still active...but school started this week for Katrina, Girl Scouts will start this week, Samantha's last quarter of college started 2 weeks ago, and the other 2 don't start until after the 18th (and we only have 1 in the dorm and the other on a very long wait list for the dorms), I'm just trying to hold onto my sanity until the end of the month!


I got this week's challenges done and posted...and I even got the sample for Wednesday's Challenge completed! I now need to work on some Anniversary cards!
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I've been busy with a new grandbaby! My daughter was in labor 2 days so I was on call for the kids and spent 2 nights there. Remy August is here and both mom & baby are healthy.

My other attention has been on the hurricane as my parents are just east of Fort Myers. I've been glued to the TV. They are hunkered down in the clubhouse/shelter but have no clue what they will come out to when the storm is over. This is one huge storm!
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Congrats on the new grandbaby, Elaine. Prayers for your and everyone's families in the path of Irma and the other storms that are following her!
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I check almost daily but haven't made cards in quite a while. I have had a lot of family issues the last months. My grandson is living with us and working but it has been hard on my husband and I. We love him but we want to be empty nesters again. His mother my daughter has just admitted that she is an alcoholic and is seeking treatment. She has lost her business and has no place to go. To make a long story short... I am really stressed out right now. I hope things will get better but I just need a break. I love all of you and miss you.
Jane from Utah
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Elaine, congratulations on your new grandbaby!

Jane, I'm so sorry. I understand and will be praying for your family.
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Congrats Elaine on your new grandson...
Jane, you have a lot on your plate.....hang in there

I have posted some of the detail of what is going on here in my life....some days are good and others are
really crazy...I'm just trying to hold myself together.

I would still like the forum to go on and I still want to do the challenges but what I want and what I can do is two different guys have been here for each other as well for me I would hate to lose what we's a small forum but we have been together a long time now....I don't want to walk away.
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Oh my. It does sound like many of us are dealing with so much stress in our lives. My hubby recently entered into the final stage of MS and I have found that stamping has been one of my main ways to handle the stress. That said, I would hate to think that feeling pressured to stamp would add any additional stress to any of you! What is important is our friendship and support of each other. And, as a few of you noted, this group might be small... but it is also so very dear.

So, please count me in for being supportive in continuing the Forum. I will continue to be involved as much as possible, whether through creating and posting or just encouraging others. I appreciate that those of you who haven't been ablt to post are still stopping by occasionally. I really can't imagine losing the link that this Forum offers.

And, in the meantime, I so appreciate the honesty that Ellie's question brought forward. Know that I am holding all of you in my prayers.
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