Sending PM's...having!

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Sheri, I just noticed that I message I sent to you on Nov 3rd alerting you to this issue is still sitting in my out box. Not sure why... but it's just sittin' there!
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It was still sitting there because I hadn't actually opened it yet. I knew it was there but since Mom told me what was going on I went with that instead of looking at it myself (even though I had intended to read it)!
Sorry about the confusion there.
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Ok--I've tried doing some test messages.

On the messages I sent I did hit submit and it acted like it reloaded the page, but didn't ac send. I hit submit again and it sent just fine.

I haven't gotten any error messages.

Please do me a favor:
If you get an error message send me a message or post about the problem. Always make sure to tell us 1) what you were trying to do, 2) what you expected to see happen, 3) what did actually happen, and 4) what (if any) error message you received.
This helps PS especially in trying to troubleshoot problems.

As it is right now he and I still don't know what is going on as we haven't been able to recreate the problem.
Any additional information you can provide us would be helpful!

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