Lady Bugs

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Is anyone else overrun with ladybugs in their house? Every winter we get them, some years more than others. According to what I've read, we probably have leaky windows - which makes sense since we have a log house. They hang around on the south side of the house where we have mostly windows/french doors and everyday I must sweep up 100 or so. I have one walking across my computer screen now and it seems very content. I must say, if I have to have bugs in my house, this is the only one I would actually choose to have!
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Does this mean you have a working computer? If so, HOORAY!!!

We used to get lady bugs every fall when the weather got chilly. I didn't know it was related to leaky windows but we haven't had them since we had all of our windows replaced. Who knew? We still get very lethargic wasps at the same time of year. They come in from the chimney. They aren't scary at all because they are flying so slowly they are easy to kill. Usually we kill the first one or two and then light a fire to get rid of the rest of them.
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Yes, my daughter does and she has a log home too...
She leave a light on 24/7 and you see how many ladybugs there is in
the light...
We also wonder why they're there too.
I think they like the heat of the house... she would agree
with you if there is bugs in the house she prefer it to be ladybugs
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When we lived in my grandparents old house we would get them! They would come in under the alum siding. If you vacuum them up they release a smell like cut grass (I would then release them in the barn). We had yellow ones as well as the normal red ones, but be careful because they can bite...yep they do but it's rare!
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I once got bitten by one, but instead of spots, it had more of stripes or bars on it, so I figured it must be different. We get the yellow ones around here, too. We haven't gotten them inside, but then it's not that cold outside.
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This is funny. YES!! I get dozens and dozens in my craft room and only in my craft room, in the late Fall. My craft room is on the south side of the house. They usually last a couple months and then they all die and I have to vacuum them up. :shock:
I just did this the other day.
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I try to throw them outside when it's warm during the day. I figure they stand a chance outside and pretty much a certain death if they stay inside. We have some red & some yellow, some with spots some with none. Pretty interesting really. And yes, they do have a smell to them!

Oh Ellie, no computer yet. Still on my work computer. Shh, don't tell anyone!
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Yikes! They bite? I didn't know that. I have not had this problem. We have problems with bigger critters...the 4 legged kind. Chipmunks, possums, skunks and coyotes. One digs tons of tunnels....two want to live in our bushes and the last one is getting braver and braver with approaching when out walking the dog.
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Yikes Susan! I want to know what is approaching the dog...skunks & coyotes I would be running the other way.

We have moles in the back yard and the dog loves to dig after them. My husband (bless his heart) keeps trying to plant grass. Needless to say, that's not going so well.
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We don't get lady bugs up here but we do get millions of Box Elder bugs all over town. They are really a pain in you know what!!! They poop red and it stains everything in your house. We tried everything to get rid of them in the other house. This house doesn't seem to have as many.
Jane from Utah
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