Marching Along

A place for idle chatter and discussions on non-paper crafting topics.
In addition to the virus challenges, we had a major plumbing problem under our front yard last week. My husband didn't want me to turn off the water, because he didn't think it was "too bad". After a few hours, our lawn was a bog - we live in Phoenix AZ, where the soil is very hard. But, I left it on. Then, the plumber wouldn't call back. After I finally got them on the phone, they put it to the next afternoon. Okay, I can live with that. 20 minutes before their "window" was up, they called and said they couldn't make it until Saturday. It was Wednesday and the leak started being apparent on Monday. Really?!!? I found a new one that was at our house before I got there from work. He did a great job. Didn't charge a huge amount, either. He told my husband our water pressure was too high so if we had a problem, an insurance company wouldn't cover it. Rob had him put in a water pressure regulator. He did that for free. I REALLY liked my water pressure and didn't think it was enough. We may have more than the "normal" household, but it's not nearly enough. :roll: I know, I'll learn to live with it.
Then, the internet stopped working, yesterday. As it works from work and it's the same company, I'm thinking it's probably our router. My SIL usually does our computer stuff, but he has bad lungs and is terrified to go out. I'm hoping if I call him this afternoon he can tell me what to look for and I'll be able to do whatever needs to be done. Yikes!
Oh well. It wouldn't be bad if my husband didn't work from home 1 day a week. Oh, and if it wasn't possible we would both be having to work from home depending on regulation changes.
I had planned to post my card, then pay my bill this morning, but it went out before I could get the bill paid. Have to figure that one out when I get home.
Anyway. I'm hoping you are all doing well. Be safe.
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Yikes Golda...I hope the computer problems are straightened up soon and no other problems show up!
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Thanks. It's been crazy.
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Well bummer Golda! Glad you were able to get the plumbing problem fixed. Heard on the news yesterday that a lot of people are having trouble with internet due to the amount of people using it at once. Might not be your modem but regardless, hope you get that worked out soon as well.

Everyone, please take this virus seriously. It's a doozy. Stay safe.
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The problems with ours are so many people using it, as it only happens when most are home. But, it's causing problems in the cable. Just annoying.
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Yikes Golda if it's not one thing it's another …….hang in there it's about all you can do.
Vince had trouble with his computer but I didn't....

Please safe my crafty friends....I have to believe better days are coming.
Sending you all a computer hug..
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How are all of you doing? What's been up in your lives the past couple of weeks?
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We are fine but hard not to see my daughters and grand children especially when I use to see them every day....Vince is working because he is essential....
If we follow the rules we will be fine.

Take care and be safe my crafty friends..
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I'm so glad you are well, Terrie. It's hard not seeing the people we love, but we should be able to again, soon.
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Oh dear, Golda! I'd have been pulling my hair out!

We're both working from home--mostly. I have to go over to campus once in a while. I even have a letter saying that I'm essential. I'm spending the least amount of time there as possible though. The kids have been home for about 3 solid weeks. 2 of those were deemed "spring break" for Bug. She's real disappointed about missing school. She misses her teachers and friends. I think Blue is also missing his regular routine though he doesn't voice it much. Bug's school did start their "home packets" last week. That helped her some. Course now Blue gets upset because she can't play with him all the time. Overall their doing pretty well.

My mom is doing alright. With her health concerns she is staying in all the time. Dad goes out for any groceries they need and even then is trying to limit trips out. My sister and brother-in-law live across the lawn and are even social distancing with them as my sis' work is essential (they make a part for the N95 masks...)--so she's trying to be away from Mom enough not to bring anything home to her.

In happier news my grandfather celebrated his 90th birthday on Friday. We're glad to have that opportunity with him--he'd had a trip to the ER the week before, but they'd deemed it safer for him to send him home. He seems to be doing alright though. He looked good on the video chats.

Hope you all are doing well and staying safe.
God bless you!
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