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Hello...I'm alive and here (sometimes)! There's been a lot of sleeping going on here! :lol: I think I've had a nap every afternoon this week. Soo tired--especially yesterday (yesterday was bad!)

Hopefully I'll be back making cards soon. I do plan to participate in the crop provided I can keep my eyes open. :D I do have to plan a birthday party in here as well which is going to be taking a hunk of time (and energy). (That's why I tried avoiding hosting a challenge in May!) I'll do what I can!

I have to give a double thanks to Golda for organizing the crop. I'm glad we'd planned that out before we found out about Little No. 2 because my organizing ability is somewhere under my pillow right now! So thanks again, Golda!
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I had the same problem during my first pregnancy, Sheri. I actually fell asleep standing up at work. I scared myself a couple of times nearly falling asleep while driving too. So, just give into and take a nap. The tiredness will probably pass eventually. Enjoy the naps; you have the greatest excuse to take them.
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I do have to admit that it has not been nearly as bad with this one as it was with Bug. When I was pregnant with her I felt like I slept the entire first trimester... Not kidding. I'd wake up, shower and eat, and then go to work (for 4 hours). I'd then come home, eat lunch, sit on the couch and be asleep within 10 minutes. I'd sleep all afternoon. PS would then wake me up when it was time for us to make/eat dinner. Then I'd sit down to watch him play a video game and would never be there long enough to start my own activity of choice because within 10 minutes I was again asleep... He'd wake me up to go to bed. Then we'd start the process again the next day.

It was crazy. People would tell me "Oh, you'll have more energy in the second trimester." Uh...Not really. Oh I did a bit, but I still felt like I slept all the time.

So this time around, even though I've slept a lot of most afternoons I have at least been awake all evening. :lol:
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Well, the sleeping is a whole lot better than what I went through with my first pregnancy. Let's just say I didn't keep anything down for 7 plus months. And, yes, I still gained weight! Sleeping would have been so much better!

Now, just be careful where you fall asleep. Ellie, I am so very glad you didn't crash while sleep driving! Sheri, no even getting close to that, please.
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I agree with Golda...I would have rather sleep all the time than having Morning Sickness...all day long...all 4 times!

Enjoy your naps because with 2 little ones, you'll never see the inside of your eyelids for about 2 years! ;)
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