Stress and Good News

A place for idle chatter and discussions on non-paper crafting topics.
I have been having some trouble lately that has sapped my strength away from me. I try not to stress, but this issue simply stole my energy. I found a lump under my left arm. It has been sore off and on under there for the past several months--like a boil was trying to come up, but nothing ever did. When I found the lump my Dad said it was time to go to the dr. I made the appointment the same day. He never says things like that.

Today was that appointment. The dr. said that he thinks there is infection there, a boil, that hasn't come to the surface. To make sure that the cancer has not returned, he wants me to keep the mammogram that I had already scheduled. He said that if the lymph nodes (swollen and that is what I was feeling as a lump) were this involved that if any cancer was present, it would certainly be found on my mammogram. It is scheduled for August 6. We are blessed to have digital mammography here. It is a more thorough test that we used to have.

I am praising God for answered prayers! I am asking those of you who will to join me in praying for good news from the upcoming test.

Be patient with me while I work to get back to my normal, creative self!

Marilyn Brown
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Will definitely be praying for you!
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Marilyn, what a scary time for you. Glad you listened to your dad. It's always good to be pro-active; at least you feel like you have a little control over the situation. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you feel better soon and that you get some good news.
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Will be praying. So glad you checked on this. You have a wise dad!
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I know how hard it is to wait to find out what is going on. You will be in my thoughts and prayers, Marilyn. At least with digital mammograms you get your news much faster. I have been having 3D digital mammograms for the past year; glad you have access to digital.
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Hugs, prayers, and thoughts of good news coming your way.
Jane from Utah
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I had the mammogram and, of course, they tell you nothing at all. I do feel optimistic, though. The tech said that they would send me a letter by mail in about a week. When it was bad, I had a phone call the next business day! The second time, my dr. called and told me to see a surgeon; an appointment has been is the date. I am thinking a run of the mill letter would be a great thing!

Thank you for the prayers. I will keep you informed!
Marilyn Brown
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Thanks for the update, Marilyn. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I agree; a run of the mill letter would be great.
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Thanks for letting us know, Marilyn. Will definitely keep you in prayer.
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NORMAL RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marilyn Brown
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