Sending PM's...having!

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I've been trying to PM Trudi about the upcoming crop. Was wondering why she hadn't replied back.....sent the PM more than once. I just checked my PM sent folder and it doesn't show in there. In fact all the ones I have sent trying to reach her do not show in any of the folders. Also sent Golda a PM back in September and hadn't heard from her and just noticed that that PM is also in none of the folders so I believe Golda didn't get that PM from me either. Is anyone else also having trouble with the PM's? Am I not sending them correctly?

Trudi....have you received any of my PM's in the past week?
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Hey, stranger! Send me a PM and I'll tell you if it arrived. Also, I'll send you one. I'm heading to bed shortly, but will check this one more time before then.
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Kathy....I got your test message. I did not respond to it instead I tried sending you one that I generated instead of as a reply to yours. It acted like it went through then I got this error message in big red letters in code that I don't understand. I also checked my sent folder and it does not show that I just sent you a PM. Did you get it?
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Susie, I had the same issue. I sent Trudi a long message about the crop and never heard back so checked the sent box and the outbox and nothing was there. Frustrating, huh?
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Susan, I'm sorry, I definitely would have responded!
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Susan, I didn't get your reply to my PM. But I did get this...
Subject: Testing
Sent: Tue Nov 03, 2015 12:19 am
From: SusieQ
To: MrsAsperin-Kathy
Testing....Hello Kathy!

So, am not sure what is going on. Does anyone have Sheri's email address or phone number? I am sure they are busy with new baby... but I bet she'd get her sweet hubby working on this is she knew there were problems. Especially with a crop coming up. I'll try sending both Sheri and Marilyn a PM.
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Susie - I did receive your crop challenge idea (16th and 18th) and replied to them, but nothing this week.

Elaine - Have you sent me any since the 26th? I've received 6 from you starting on the 14th and going until the 26th (when we talked about organizing the crop and talking about past PJ Party's)

If you still are having trouble contacting me (I try to check this page at least once a day), please email me at or Facebook Private Message me at

I've also been receiving the error code when I try to send, but I hit the back arrow and send it again. I currently only have 1 message in my OUTBOX and that's to Marilyn.

****also, I went under Private Messages (like I was going to send a PM), on the left side there is a section labeled Rules, Folders, and Settings, I clicked on that and then changed IF FOLDER IS FULL to delete old messages. I didn't have many messages in my folders but maybe that will help some of you if your folders are getting close to being full.
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I had the same the problem a few months ago....
I understand what you were going through Susan...
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I feel better knowing that it isn't just me having difficulties with the PM feature. I was beginning to think I didn't know what I was doing! :lol: I've checked everything...folder isn't full to capacity....I'm clicking on the right just won't send a PM that I start. It will allow me to answer / reply to a PM that came to me but I can't start one. :cry:

Thanks for posting your email Trudi. I just finished sending you an email with the question I have been trying to PM to you for the past week. Let me know what you think. Thanks!
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Mom got the message about the problems. PS and I will look into it. I should have gotten on yesterday as I had intended!
We'll see what we can do.
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