Crop Thanks & Planning

A place for idle chatter and discussions on non-paper crafting topics.
Well, it looks like it was another fabulous crop! I'm glad you all had a chance to participate and that much fun was had by all. Let's give another big thanks and shout out to our crop organizer, Elaine!!

Elaine thanks for stepping up and coming up with such a great theme and organizing hosts, etc. We really appreciate you!
*applause here* 8-) 8-)

I'll be looking for volunteers to organize our next crop, in August. So if you're interested in organizing a crop, please shoot me a pm. This involves helping me choose the dates, choosing a theme/title for the crop, rounding up challenge and game hosts.

In the mean time, it looks like there are new weekly challenges up (thanks again to Ellie and Elaine for scheduling those) and a couple of swaps open for sign up and room for more! There's chatter to make and creations to share. So don't be a stranger!

If you have any friends who'd like to sign up, have them go and register. Then please send me a pm and/or an email that they've registered and what username they chose. Penguinsushi shut off the auto email when someone registers because all the spam "registrations" were causing us to get about 50 or so emails a day. So if you have a friend register please let me know!

I plan on getting my desk cleaned up in the next week or so and then can hopefully get back to creating. (Especially as I now have 2 baby books to work on! :shock: )
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Aw, thanks Sheri! It was fun once I came up with a theme. Thank you to all the hosts and participants!
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