Prayers Requested

A place for idle chatter and discussions on non-paper crafting topics.
Hey all,

It has been a rough few weeks here. I'm sure you all heard on the news about the fires that swept through Gatlinburg. That's just over an hour away from us (maybe an hour and a half). It was really tragic. I'm sure I'm not the only one who was moved to tears for those lives lost in/as a result of the fires and for all the people of that area lost--homes, pets, employment.

Then last week was my birthday, which you'd think would be a good thing (even if we don't want to think about getting older), but PS had his wisdom teeth out that day... It was the only day they had left for the year. So it wasn't really a very good day, though I admit it didn't turn out as badly as I had expected. Then Monday he had either a bad reaction to the pain meds or some kind of 24 hour bug. Overall he seems to be feeling better now, though still sore.

Yesterday, I had a check up and they did a cholesterol panel. They called yesterday afternoon saying my cholesterol is high and I need to get into a primary care doctor. Which means I have to find one first...and find one that it in network for our current insurance and the one we'll be on starting Jan. 1. And you know how long it can take to get in to a doctor as a new patient...

Then last night around 10pm my mom called. My grandpa had a heart attack. After 25 minutes of CPR and (at least one) shock, they were able to revive him. It is a miracle he's still with us. He's in the ICU and is in stable but critical condition. They're supposed to do a heart cath at some point to try to figure out why his heart stopped.
So please be in prayer for my grandpa. Also please be in prayer for my mom. They happened to be up in IN visiting before heading down here to spend Christmas with us. Now Mom is having to make a lot of decisions and/or press my grandpa and my aunt to make decisions they don't want to think about let alone make.

I'm doing my best not be stressed, which as I'm sure you all know, is easier said than done.
I thank you for all your prayers.

I hope you are all doing well and that 2016, especially this Christmas season, has been treating you well. For me...Well, I'm hoping 2017 will be better.

God bless you all
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Definitely praying for your family. Take a deep breath, let it out, then just start talking to God. Sometimes we forget that we can talk to Him about EVERYTHING. He doesn't mind the ranting, raving, tears, etc. He is glad to be part of it. And, best part is that as we talk it out with Him, He often helps us to see different viewpoints, which truly helps.

Praying for you all!
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I'm so sorry for everything you are going through. Sending Prayers and HUGS
“The time spent on family is not a sacrifice. You are living a life with choices; when you make the right ones, you have a good life.”

Jeanette (Nick, MIA, Elphaba & Jax Mom)
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Hugs to all of you! You are in our prayers and I hope things get easier in the days to come.
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Oh, I am so sorry to hear of all the high-stress things you've endured in a very short time. Will be holding you, your mom and your Grandpa in prayer.
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What a stressful way to end 2016! Love, virtual hugs and prayers to you this holiday season and through the year.
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They did a heart cath yesterday and put in a stent.
This morning Mom says he looks better--has more color. They said that he needs a defibrillator put in, but because of just having had the stent put in they can't do that. Mom said something about them having mentioned a vest that can be worn and that can "sense" and deliver a small shock to get the heart back in rhythm.

I'm not sure what they'll do. But she did say that he may be moved out of ICU today.
We'll just have to wait and see.

Thank you all for your continued prayers.
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So sorry about what your going through will keep you and your family in my prayers.....
Take one day at a time and know we are here for you.....take care
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Sheri, I'm sorry your family is having a hard time right now. Hoping things will start to improve soon.
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Sheri, thoughts and prayers are heading you way...
God bless you and your family.
Jane from Utah
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