Prayers Needed

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Hey all... Things have been really crazy of late. I thought that this morning I needed to get on and post here for those of you who are prayer warriors.

Please bear with me as there are a few things here.

First, my mom. 1) She had been told by her doctor that she had some lymph nodes that looked odd. 2) A few weeks ago she started having trouble swallowing. She went to the dr again and he said rather than running tests he was going to send her directly to an oncologist (because the oncologist would re-do any tests they ordered anyway so there was no point in her having to go through that twice.)
Mom went last week for a PET scan and saw the oncologist right after and, PRAISE GOD!, there is no cancer.

Now that still leaves her not knowing what is causing the problem. She said that next Tuesday (June 27th at 9:40 ET) she will be seeing an endocrinologist. Some time after that she will be seeing an ENT specialist.

That's what we know there right now.

Second is my mother-in-law. The doctors have found some lesions on her liver that they suspect are cancerous. If they are they most likely originated elsewhere. She goes this Friday (23rd) for a CAT scan. They will biopsy as well, but that may not happen on Friday (though they originally wanted to) as they want to see which of the lesions is in the best position for a biopsy.
That's really all we know about that right now.

Third, some years ago a family in my grandfather's church asked for prayer for their 2 year old grandson who was diagnosed with cancer. I just found out from mom this morning that Kale is no longer fighting it--God called him home. So please pray for his family. I can't recall how old he'd have been now, but not more than 9 or so.

Thank you all for your prayers. I hope things are going well for all of you. That you are well and thriving.
God bless you all
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I'll be praying for all of your requests. You take care of yourself, too.
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Thoughts and prayers to all those on your radar. Special hugs to your mom.
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Thoughts and prayers for your family and friends .
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