I still live

A place for idle chatter and discussions on non-paper crafting topics.
Hey all!
I know I've not been around in ages. Things just went crazy.

First off--Just to let you all know Mom and my MIL (Glitterbug) are doing fine. I think perhaps the last I posted they were both having health concerns. But those turned out to either be simple(r) things to handle or not have to been problems at all.

Mom is thriving with her Periscope broadcasting. She's is painting every day and I can't begin to tell you how she's needed that. I know you miss her hear, but trust me when I say she's thriving better than she has in a long time.

We went on vacation in July and came home and found Bug's bed infested with bedbugs (a situation I would not wish on ANYONE ever....) So we ended up tearing our house apart. Not literally, but sort of--no hard deconstruction, but we had to take every clothing/blanket/similar type item out in garbage bags to go to the laundry mat to wash on hot water and dry on high heat and then everything else had to be cleaned and packed away to get the rooms emptied (except furniture) to have the exterminator come. That took us a couple weeks. They did their first treatment and then scheduled to come back 2 weeks later spray again. An inspection two weeks after that and nothing... then 2 more weeks and we found another bug... It was a really rough time.
We've now seen no evidence in a month and change. But the paranoia levels are still high.

If something good can be said to have come of this it is that my desk got cleared off...completely. The down side is that all my crafting stuff is put away. All of it. Packed up and likely will be for at least a year. My desk is still in that room (just empty), but it is now officially Blue's room. Well hopefully in that time we can get some more cleaning done in the basement and prepare to finish that space and eventually I can have a place for my desk and crafting supplies again.

I was really sad not to be able to make Blue a banner for his birthday (as has been my tradition since Bug was 2). I did however make him a couple of owls from paper lanterns. He loves them. It is hard to believe he's 2 already. He's such a cutie though. He loves owls and vehicles of all sorts. Bug is in 1st grade now--she's so smart. She's reading at nearly a 3rd grade reading level (when I can get her to do so at all) and she started Girl Scouts this year--so we have a Daisy! As for me, well, I'm doing a lot of laundry (as my and PS's clothes still haven't all been treated and brought back into the house... oy!) and choir and making sure my family is fed and loved on... I've been doing a bit of writing, but that's only because I can do so on my hubby's laptop (when he's not using it) and a little bit of reading (hard when almost all my books are still packed up). One of these days life will return to "normal," right? Surely it will.

I miss you all and hope you're doing well. Keep me updated on any needs here. I know Golda and Elaine and Ellie at the very least have my email address and I think a few more of you as well.

take care and may God bless you all!
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I'm glad you've survived all the chaos.

Unfortunately, when my husband and I came back from our 25th anniversary trip, we brought some of those horrendous things with us. It took a while to get rid of them: ripping up the carpeting in 2 rooms (we are still on cement floors), the exterminator, and lots of washing. Fortunately, we live in Phoenix AZ, so putting stuff in bags outside in summer worked marvelously. It got our house cleaned out, too. You will, eventually, not be on such high alert, but more than 2 years later, and we are still careful.

It may be a while before you're able to get back to crafting, but I'm glad you are still around! Glad your Mom and MIL are doing well, as well.
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Oh man Sheri, that's horrible! I've got the heebie-geebies just thinking about it. Nice to hear from you though and good to hear your mom and MIL are doing well! Please do stop by once in a while as we all wonder how you are doing!
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It was good to hear from you but not the bedbugs yucky and you will always be on guard...

This happen to us while we rented a place at the beach....they cleaned the apartment and threw out the mattress the owner of the condo put us in a hotel while they cleaned the place out...but what a week it was.....now we have the camper and know that it's only us in it...

Glad that your Mom is find and also your MIL....
Take care and know we love to hear from you.....hugs
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Sherri, just reading your post about the bed bugs gave me the willies...yikes!! Glad everything else is OK. I would love to see a current photo of Bug and Blue. I know they are growing up fast because that’s what those lil stinkers do.

P.S. Linda Jo needs you to send her password to her. She is always logged in on her computer but her IPad periodically makes her log in again. (Mine does too) She can’t log in her her Pad because she can’t remember her password. Could you please give her a shout?
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It was so good to hear from you! I can't imagine going through the bedbug mess. Ackkk! Hopefully it is now over for good!
We miss you here. So please do drop in from time to time. And know that you are loved. (PS Glad to hear that your mom and MIL are also doing well. I miss them, too.)
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Thanks ladies!
Yes Golda--LOTS of washing. It doesn't get hot enough here to use the heat outside. And so we're still not done. What hasn't been washed is out in my old (non-functioning) car while we await time to get it done. Some of what has been washed is still in trash bags awaiting time to sort it. It is horrible. Once school started things got really busy--girl scouts, church activities on Wednesday evenings, chorale rehearsal, normal every day cooking/cleaning/homework/etc.
We're starting to get desperate though. We've GOT to get our (mine and PS's) winter clothes washed and available. What we could wear in the summer and what you can do in late fall are two very different things! Thankfully we've each had a couple pair of jeans handy--we're just missing a lot of the warmer/heavier long sleeved shirts/sweaters. Thankfully Bug's stuff was in the first things that got washed--being "ground zero" so to speak. And none of Blue's stuff from last winter would fit anyway, so he got a "new" winter wardrobe (consignment sales are awesome).

We really did get a lot of the house cleared out. Unfortunately, some stuff got cleaned and packed and needs sorted as we get it back out. (same with the clothes) And time is just at a premium. And most of the stuff waiting for sorting is in the basement... So all the progress we'd made cleaning the basement has basically been undone. So we're no closer to getting to be able to start work on finishing the basement and getting my crafting desk, etc. and PS hobby stuff down there. That's a real bummer too, because we were really looking forward to it.

As for pictures...I'm at work so I don't have a way to resize them, but lets give these a try. If they're too big I'll have to delete them and try later from home.
Here's Bug:
Went to the Renn Faire--Here's Bug with Sir John. He "fought" for/in(?) her honor. She was thrilled!
RennFaireOct2017Bug.jpg (435.75 KiB) Viewed 1438 times

And here's Blue:
(Still at the Faire) Here's Blue. The wandering minstrel (?--bagpipist) told him, in a thick Scottish brogue, to be on the look out for big horses. So he was. He's saying "Where Horsey?"
RennFaireOct2017Blue.jpg (252.08 KiB) Viewed 1438 times

I'll try to pop in more often and say hey and keep you updated. Maybe at Christmas while we're at my in-law's my MIL and I will get some time to craft. With 3 grandkids present (and two of them 2 and under) it seems doubtful, but we'll see!
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