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The Incredibles 9/14 to 9/20 - Winner posted!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 6:21 am
by eoconnell
Congratulations to Kathy! I'll get your prize out today.

Re: The Incredibles 9/14 to 9/20 - Winner posted!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 9:45 pm
by MrsAsperin-Kathy
Oh how fun!
I've been absent all week after my computer crashed on Saturday. My sweet hubby finally got it up and running late last night. (I have to admit that we both threatened to frisbee it out the back door several times before he finally got it to work.)
I've been a DELL advocate... but no more. Our first DELL was a gem... lasting for at nearly six years until it became so outdated that it needed to be replaced. But... in the last seven years, this is our third DELL. As soon as the warranty is past... they seem to die within 4-6 months. Enough is enough! Rich is determined to turn me into a Mac gal. At this point... I'm ready to give it a try!

Re: The Incredibles 9/14 to 9/20 - Winner posted!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 2:50 pm
by Golda
Good luck with your computer issues, Kathy. I haven't tried a Mac, but have loved my iPhones and their simplicity of use. I did get an Acer laptop off Amazon about a month and a half ago. It has been working wonderfully, had great reviews, and was not very expensive. Granted, I've never had a laptop before, so my saying it has been working wonderfully may be just my views.