I live! And I made something!!!!!

A place to share cards/projects that you have made.
Hello All!
I live!!! :lol:

I've been busy, but I try to lurk on occasion. This week, yes week... :o :? :), is "Teacher Appreciation Week" at Bug's school. Yes, they have a whole week planned out. Today they were to bring a flower for their teacher (bought or from the garden) and the teachers had vases to put them in. Tomorrow we're to send a dessert (yep, this slacker got store bought cookes! :lol: I have to send something that will survive the bus trip, right? :) ) Wednesday is Specials day--cards for the music, pe, guidance, computer, and library teachers and grade assistants. Thursday they bring a book with a note inside for their teacher which grows the classroom library. Friday is for their classroom teacher--cards, gifts if desired, or classroom combined gift (though I didn't hear anything about that from room parents).

I had Bug working on cards for her specials teachers and their teacher assistant. Little 3x4" cards. She drew pictures on the front (flowers, butterflies, and the like) and she wrote little notes inside in her little Kindergarten handwriting. (Precious! Though she writes very well for a Kindergartener.) I had made a card for her classroom teacher for Friday (and we're going to work on making her a bead necklace this week). (Here it is!! I made a card!!! I think this is the first one in a year! oy... :oops: :cry: )

MsRobinKTeacherAppreciationReduced.jpg (126.25 KiB) Viewed 1740 times

Bug saw it and decided she needed to make one like mine for Ms Robin, her teacher. When she said "like" mine, she really meant it. She wanted to do it just like mine! I persuaded her that she didn't want to make it JUST like mine. I pulled up my Pinterest app and introduced her to my inspirational card board! :lol: Yes, my 5 year old! She found one she liked and we proceeded to case it. She chose papers...green, purple, yellow, red, and rainbows. I cut the pieces on my cutting board, but Bug used my corner rounder (I had to do the little pieces by hand (I didn't want her cutting herself on the cutting board blade or my sharp scissors and her scissors were in the office where Blue was supposed to be napping (I think he finally fell asleep now...Someone's going to be cranky later!) She glued the pieces together, but wanted me to glue them to the card base because she "didn't want to mess it up" and she wanted it "to be nice" for her teacher. I told her she'd do a perfect job, but she wasn't having it. So I glued down the green strip, how we'd discussed using the green paper she'd chosen, and the first "petal" for her to use as guides. We discussed how to place the petals--she decided to use both sets in each flower, and so I suggested she alternate to make a pattern. I told her the pointy parts needed to point toward the center, and she glued them down. She did perfectly! Here's her first "big girl card!" :lol:

BugsCardMsRobinKTeacherAppreciationReduced.jpg (292.69 KiB) Viewed 1740 times

Not to brag or anything ;) , but she did a fabulous job!
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Yes, she did do a fabulous job! You're a good mommy to so patiently help her make a card. We miss you, Sherri, but we understand that those little people are a lot of work! Hang in there, next year Bug will be in school all day.
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It is so good to hear from you and to see your creativity in action again. Plus, looks like Bug inherited the artistic gene that you inherited from her grandma. Such a sweet card!
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It's great that you are doing projects with Bug!
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I love that you got to make a card and that you had her make her own! With a little help, of course. :D Tell her we all said she did wonderfully, 'cause she absolutely did, from picking the design and papers, to putting it together. her teacher is going to love it.
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