Color Challenge!

An open ended midweek challenge to give you a little bump to get through the rest of the week! Begins on Wednesday mornings.

Moderator: eoconnell

Your challenge this week is a color challenge. Use any shade of teal, any shade of purple, and gold. If you just can't bring yourself to stamp in color, you can stamp in either black or white. Your goal is to use just those three colors!
Now I did a Christmas card using these colors, but decided that I wasn't going to do a set of these, as there's not enough space to write with the acetate front.
7-24-18 WCC Color STV Acetate 2 (325x400).jpg
7-24-18 WCC Color STV Acetate 2 (325x400).jpg (124.44 KiB) Viewed 3023 times

The other one is just a regular card. The back pieces for the front sections are in purple. I also used a purple watercolor marker to color in sections of the embossing. I wasn't paying quite enough attention and got a tiny bit outside the lines, which didn't clean up well, but it worked better than I anticipated. I did try it on a scrap of the same card stock to make sure it stayed a vibrant purple color.
7-24-18 WCC Color STV Acetate (286x400).jpg
7-24-18 WCC Color STV Acetate (286x400).jpg (113.43 KiB) Viewed 3023 times

I can't wait to see what you come up with using these 3 colors.

Remember, Christmas is coming quickly, so you may want to use this challenge as a way to work on some of your cards. ;)
Last edited by Golda on Wed Jul 25, 2018 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Fun Golda - I do love the combo of teal & purple. Thanks for hosting!
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I needed to get this done before I head out for dog sitting. These colors looked better together in my craft room than outside. Oye....
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Golda, very pretty.
Elaine Lovely card.
Linda Jo
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Great card Elaine....I think it turned out really nice.
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Okay I have my three colors
The gold I used gold embossing powder.
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Elaine, I think that is beautiful. If you like it better inside, just remember most people don't take their cards outside to look at them. :lol:

Terrie, what a gorgeous dragonfly. I really like your sentiment banner/flag, as well.
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While the hubby away at Boy Scout camp, I get to play in the craft room and redecorate the kitchen/dining room (hmmm he doesn't know about the redecorating won't he be surprised in 8 days when he returns home!).

After I finished the star card, I realized that I needed gold not silver...oh well, another card for the stockpile!
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Wow... all of these creations are so different... and so beautiful! I've been pondering what to make with these colors and your cards inspired me. So... to the craft room I go!
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Trudi, those are both absolutely gorgeous! Silver is my go to color, rather than gold, as well. Hence the "challenge" colors. ;)
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