Watercolor Lifting

An open ended midweek challenge to give you a little bump to get through the rest of the week! Begins on Wednesday mornings.

Moderator: eoconnell

I don't usually like messy stamping techniques, so was surprised at how much I enjoyed this one! Tried two different mediums- Tombow markers and Watercolor pencils. I usually love my Tombows, but for this techique, the pencils were easier to work with. And, I loved the card on the video tutorial so made one like it. There was a section where the embossing wasn't very good. So, I cut that out and pieced the sections together. In spite of all that piddling around, the card didn't turn out too bad.
(Oh, and after I was done and cleaned off my workspace I found a set of Gelatos that I bought at 70% off recently. I bet they'd work well for this technique!
Imagehow to do a screen shot
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Trudi, yours is gorgeous. Love the beautiful stamped feathers, as well as the fluffy ones.

Kathy, how fun that you CASEd her card, too. Great work. Even though you had to mess with it a bunch, it turned out great.
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well done ladies...great looking cards
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Trudi, the feathers look great! I'm so glad you are all trying different mediums so I can figure out what will work best!

Kathy, that's super cute! I loved the little multi-layered birdhouses as well. Great job!
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