Katrina's Girl Scout Silver Project

Bless others with your talent by sharing it. Suggestions on places to share your card creations.
Katrina has started her Girl Scout Silver Project! She decided to help Meals on Wheels. Her project is to make cards for the volunteers and clients as well as showing people that they can help Meals on Wheels even if they aren't old enough to drive!
She needs to complete 50+ hours and she's well on her way!

Last Friday, she delivered 80 Christmas cards she made (I only stamped the envelopes and kept her company!) for all the volunteers. Here's what they looked like...

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Next stage is planned as making Valentine's Cards...for all the Skagit Valley clients. That will be 300+ cards. She's trying to organize card making workshops for her school friends, Girl Scouts, and possibly our church members. It's a very ambitious goal, especially when she will be in the school play, working on the Science Fair project, and selling Girl Scout Cookies during that same time frame. If you would like to follow her project, we have created a Facebook Page (Katrina's Girl Scout Silver Award).
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That is an amazing project! She is making beautiful cards, too. What a busy young woman she is and is going to be.
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She did a great job on those cards and what a wonderful project for her to work on.
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Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2014 4:21 pm

Wow... that is some kiddo you got there. She is talented and also has a big heart. Love it.
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