
Hey, everybody -

Yes, I'm aware of the spammers that have so recently chosen to grace your company here - thanks to those of you who let me know (since I don't typically hang out here).

I have removed the offending posts and users and will be keeping an eye on the board. I'm not sure whether they are human spammers, or whether this is the product of some automated script. PHPBB's "anti-spam" measures are active, so if it is automated, it's clever enough to get around them. If they're human spammers, hopefully they'll get bored and leave after a couple of strafing runs on us.

Deleting the occasional spammer is no big deal, but at a certain volume it gets ridiculous. If we continue to have issues, we may have to move to a "new-users-must-be-approved" model. I don't like that, because it's stifling (and annoying) to people, but if there's more junk than we can keep up with, we may not have too much choice. Gotta keep the place tidy.

So I'll encourage you to just ignore the spam messages, and alert me to any posts or other spam-related issues you think I may be missing.

Thanks much!

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Thanks, Bug's daddy!
We appreciate that you are trying to keep this place nice. I do remember having some spammers on the PaperCrafters site. But, like you are doing, we just reported them and they were manually removed.
Some people just have too much time on their hands! Maybe they need a hobby... I'd suggest stampin'!
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Well, we have reached ridiculous. I've deleted close to 75 spam accounts, and I'm still going.

For the time being, registration has been switched to "admin approval" mode. I apologize for any inconvenience. Turnaround on new (legit) registrations should be pretty quick.


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Sorry for the extra step, but thank you!
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I'm sorry about those nasty spammers and that you had to spend your Sunday afternoon cleaning house here on WCC....but we do appreciate you PS! Thank you!!!! I think anyone who is serious about joining the site will not mind waiting to be approved. I personally feel safer on sites that do take that step because I know they are trying to keep all the annoying and dangerous stuff off the site such as spammers and viruses.

Thanks again PS for jumping on this and kicking those spammers out of here!
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I agree with the others who have posted. A bit of a delay in getting approved shouldn't be a problem. In today's world, it is almost expected!
Thanks for being such a diligent gatekeeper, PS, keeping the site, and it's members, safe!
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