Home for the Holidays. What does this statement mean to you? To me, it means some kind of craft project with my mom and sisters. We loved creating ornaments, placemats, place cards, door wreaths and other items to make the family gatherings more festive.
So crafting a few sample items for my challenge was a waltz into the past for me. I could almost imagine my mom sitting beside me, sharing stories about family gathering from her childhood, as I colored, cut and pasted!
Your challenge is to create a table favor for Thanksgiving, or Halloween if you prefer. If you are stumped, just search "Handmade paper table favors" on Pinterest of Google.
That is where I found templates for my sample favors. Feel free to use one of these templates, or any others you desire.
Have fun! (PS I will put some treats in these favors when I use them. For now... well... I find myself chocolate-less?! However does that happen?!)
The template with the pumpkin was found here- http://www.aalatemplates.com/free-gift- ... .pinterest
The Halloween Critters were found here- http://creativemeinspiredyou.com/give-y ... ty-favors/
And the template used to make mine was found here-
You have until Tuesday 10/17 at midnight to post your project to be eligible for a prize drawn at random.
1. Elaine
2. Terrie
3. Ellie
4. Linda Jo
5. Trudi
6. Golda
7. Barry
8. Koren
9. Jane